How do I get a premises licence?
To carry out licensable activities from premises you will need to apply for a premises licence. You apply to the local authority that the premises is situated.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 these licensable activities are:
- the retail sale of alcohol
- the provision of regulated entertainment
- the provision of late night refreshment
The Licensing Act 2003 provides a clear focus on four statutory objectives which must be addressed submitting your premises licence application.
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
Who can apply for a premises licence?
Any person (aged 18 or over) or a company who is carrying on, or who proposes to carry on, a business which involves the use of premises for licensable activities can apply for a premises licence.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 premises can be any place including:
- a building
- a moveable structure
- an open space
- a vehicle or vessel
Premises licence applications are submitted to
The application is made to the licensing authority in which the premises is situated and the application itself consists of:
- Application form
- Signed consent form for the designated premises supervisor (if the application includes the sale of alcohol)
- Plan of the premises in a specific format.
- Application fee.
The main purpose of the licensing process is to promote the 4 licensing objectives and applications will include an ‘operating schedule’
An operating schedule will include details of:
- the licensable activities the premises licence is to cover
- the times the activities will take place
- the times when the premises will be open to the public
- Who is the designated premises supervisor?
- whether any alcohol that is to be sold, is for consumption on or of the premises or both
- the steps proposed to be taken to promote the 4 licensing objectives
How much does a premises licence application cost?
The premises licence application fee is based on the non-domestic rateable value of your premises, whether the premises are used ‘exclusively or primarily for the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises’ and whether you host any events with more than 5,000 attendees at time.
Advertising your premises licence application
As part of the premises licence application the applicant must:
- display a notice of the application at the premises for 28 days starting from the day after the application was submitted
- publish a notice of the application in a locally circulated newspaper within 10 working days starting from the day after the application was submitted.
The site notice must be:
- on pale blue paper
- A4 size or larger
- large font – font size 16 or larger
What happens after the premises licence application has been submitted?
Once the application has been submitted there is a 28 day consultation / representation period. If after the 28 days there haven’t been any relevant representations from any of the responsible authorities or relevant persons, the licence will be granted. If there have been representations and the local authority deem them to be relevant, they will arrange a licensing hearing. At the hearing the application will be granted, granted with extra conditions or rejected and refused.
Inn Confidence premises licence application service
Inn Confidence provides a fixed-fee service for premises licence applications for the:
- Grant of a new Premises Licence (£785 ex vat)
Prices exclude vat and licensing disbursements
What does this cover?
- Risk Assessment by an experienced consultant
- Liaison with the applicant and the responsible authorities
- Preparation, completion & submission of all forms of application including the Operating Schedule
- Preparation and the posting of notices for the premises and in the local press
- Negotiation with any concerned parties throughout the 28 days consultation period
What would be extra?
- The cost of suitable layout plans to accompany the application (which we can arrange for you)
- The newspaper notice fee (usually around £200-£300)
- The Licensing Application fee (grant or full variation is usually £100 or £190)
- Representation at a licensing hearing (if there are stubborn objections that cannot be negotiated away).
Why choose Inn Confidence?
- Highly regarded and experienced licensing consultants
- National coverage
- Fixed-fee on all applications
- Fully managed from consultation to completion
What next?
call 0151 558 1783 or complete the form below